New Hoya cuttings
Yesterday I got new Hoya cuttings from Paul Shirley;
First one is Hoya crassicaulis GPS 10042
Hoya dasyantha GPS 10183
Hoya dolichosparte GPS 8844
And two rooted cuttings, the first one is Hoya finlaysonii Thailand GPS 10056
And the second one should be Hoya latifolia GPS 10063 (also called the 'dinerplate' Hoya),
but I received a mail from my new friend Denise Evans, she grows Hoya's over 30 years, and
she told me that it is more likely to be a Hoya macrophylla.
I looked on the net and she must be right, because latifolia has more round leaves, while macrophylla
got more large leaves .
I've found an interesting link about that:
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