(The Ramones)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The garden in June

We had it all last month, lots of rain, cold- we even had to turn the heater on, and also a couple of
very hot days- today it's 29 degrees in the shadow,pffff.
Like a friend of mine always says: " I'm more the Northern Type", I never get used to high temperatures.
The garden is doing great this month, a lot of roses are blooming in spite of the rain ( so enough to
eat for our almost daily visiting deer) .
I made a bunch of pictures and I'm gonna post them here with not much of a system.

The pheasant is still a daily visitor,


This chicken made a secret nest 

We have much collared doves in the garden, year round,and in the summer we sometimes see
also a turtle dove, the one at the back.

Mart inspecting the roses. He made a secretly picture of me and thought that I have to
post that also, so here I am- I hate it to be photographed  but ala:-)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Hoya carnosa's are blooming!

It took quite a while from umbel till flower, I think a couple of months, and I made pictures
while the flowers were in progress.

Here is the Hoya carnosa tricolor;

A picture from the outside;

The plant from below;

And a picture of the whole plant, it is about 1.50 mtr long,

No nectar dripping bloom, this one, and the smell is a kind of citrus/ musk.

This is the green Hoya carnosa;


This one didn't need that much time to develop flowers as the Hoya carnosa tricolor did, about
a month.

Yesterday the flower opened. It's already dripping nectar en the scent is a bit vanilla like- hard to tell
already, because we forgot to smell last evening .

And than,as last, the flower from the Hoya cumingiana almost opened, it smells like dill with a bit of
cinnamom, and it's also dripping nectar.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Hoya macgillivrayi & Hoya stoneana from the EPRIC foundation

The EPRIC foundation offers new types of Hoya's every time I look, so, although I thought I wouldn't buy more Hoya's this year, I was seduced again. I don't know what it is with Hoya's, I only
have to look at a certain one and I am on fire again!:-)
The case was, I saw that they offered a Hoya macgillivrayi, and I already have one, but that one does
nothing more than: to be.
Here it is, it got 4 leaves, and no grow ,

So I thought to give it compagny, maybe when it is no longer alone in his pot, he would like life
Here it is with the Hoya macgillivrayi from the EPRIC foundation, the new one is on the right.

The EPRIC foundation only sells rooted Hoya's, I am glad about that, because my little greenhouse
is still full with other Hoya cuttings.
A bit sad to let a Hoya travel alone, so I also ordered a Hoya stoneana,

The Hoya macgillivrayi likes a dry period in the winter, not that it must completely dry out,
but keep it on the dry side, it's necessary to let it bloom. When it makes a flower, take care not to
overwater it, but water real carefull otherwise the bloom may fail- this is what I read about it.
When the bloom opens up, than you can give a bit more water.