(The Ramones)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

December 2012, or: "Who'll stop the rain?"




Long as I remember, the rain been coming down

Clouds of mistry porin, confusion on the ground

Good men through the ages

Trying to find the sun

And I wonder, still I wonder

Who'll stop the rain......



We had a big, big lot of rain here in the South of the Netherlands, it's raining for weeks
now, most fields look terrible, it's all mud in our surrounding and the cats take about 
a cubic meter of mud a day with them on their feet and body, we could start our own 
potato field with their proceeds.

The picture above is an example of how our island looks nowadays, not (only) because 
of the rain, but this is a piece of former agricultural land that is 'given back to nature',
what in this part of the country means that there is a whole lot of water brought inside the dikes.
My grandfather, who worked on a pumping station till his retirement, had tears in his eyes when he saw this drowned piece of Schouwen-Duiveland for the first time.
It's called 'plan tureluur' or 'plan redshank' in English.
I didn't work on a pumping station so I don't have the same sentiments as my grandfather had, but I think it is a shame that there was only water brought in and no trees or bushes.
During the summer a group of  cows are grazing there, and they must be spezialised in 
"Ditch Jumping" if you'll ask me.

So after all the rain we had it and as the pictures showed it realy doesn't take much to make the Kingdom of Mud here.
I didn't make much pictures lately, but here is one, a leaf that was fallen on the muddy 
road in front of the house.

And this is the view I have most every day when I wake up,

Verrrrrrrrrry boring!!!!
I want SNOW!! Lots and lots of snow, and sun!
Last time we had December snow was in 2010, and I want to post a bunch of pictures I made then,
and I want to wish everybody who takes a look here a very good christmas and the best wishes for
the year to come!


Den Osse, the house owned by the water board where my grandparents lived when my grandfather worked at the pumpstation nearby. My grandparents died 10 years ago, and the house hadn't had a regular habitant since, that is about 35 years.
 It's a big shame, I think.

Den Osse Harbour;

Next  pictures I took on the island below us, Walcheren.

And the next pictures I took around the house and the road here.

Our Indian Runner Ducks

Friday, November 9, 2012




If someone should ask me ' what is you're favorite month' , than november is not the one that
pops into my mind at once. I like spring most of all, but I have to say, that november has also
some great moments, when there is a storm ( and the roof keeps it tiles on place!), we can have
some great colored skies if it isn't raining whole day long and you have to keep the lights on
the moment you came out of bed and get the feeling that it maybe was better if you stayed
Thank god I have growlights now, I'm very happy, so the plants won't suffer as much as usual
with the big lack of light during these wintermonths.
I want to upload some november pictures, that I made this year and the two  years before.
They are almost all shot at this island ( Schouwen- Duiveland) and in the garden or the house.

Our two guinea fowls ( parelhoenders in Dutch) like to look inside the house, tapping on the windows,
I suspect that they want to eat the Hoya's ?

Nothing left for this little guy, probably killed by a cat..


A little egret


Gulls fighing.........

 Fisherboat on the Northsea

I took the next 3 pictures on ' Neeltje Jans', an artificial island in the Oosterschelde, made to facilitate
the construction of the Oosterscheldekering (Eastern Scheldt storm surge barrier), I spend a whole lot of time there in my youth, when my parents had a sailboat.


Well, those pictures are colorful, but most of the time november feels like this to me:

"No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease,
No comfortable feel in any member -
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,
No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds -
-   Thomas Hood, No!