(The Ramones)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Hoya mindorensis & Hoya buotii

These Hoya's are native in the Philippines, and I felt in love after seeing pictures of the flowers
on one of the Hoya forums on facebook.
Before my Hoya fever started flowers were absolutely the last thing  I thought about when I
bought a plant, and I still love leaves more than flowers, but now, with all the different Hoya's ,
I am really curious about the hidden treasures that they contain.

I couldn't believe my luck when I saw that those 2 Hoya's were available at EPRIC, so I ordered
them immediately:-)

 Hoya mindorensis

 It's the Hoya in the hanging basket ( because it took me a while before I took a picture- flue and
 other misery- I didn't want to move it , it's doing fine and it's not the most easy Hoya according to
 some info I read).
 H. mindorensis may not completely dry out and it needs a lot of light to flower.

Hoya buotii

Some sources say that this is the same as Hoya halconensis. It is a close relative of
Hoya coriacea.
This Hoya may also not completely dry out, and it don't like direct sun.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Medinilla J'adore Tresor



It took Atlantis nursery 14 years to create this new Medinilla, this is the first of the Medinilla
J'adores that is on the market, there are more varieties to come.
I like Medinilla's , they have beautiful flowers, but never bought one before because I didn't
like the leaves that much, they are a bit to rigid for my taste.
This new variety looks totally different.

It likes light, but no direct sunlight, it likes to get dry between the waterings, and it only
need moderate water, ( I hope moderate is the correct word in English, I mean a bit of water).
The flowers last for 6 weeks and it is possible to get new flowers- according to the nursery.
No fertiliser during the first flowering period.
And than, the temperature it likes, is between 18 and 23 degrees.
Reason for me to waite if he is gonna make it through the winter, because the temperature at night
is only 15 degrees in the house.
Maybe a couple of cats can keep it warm than, Angel seems to like it:-)

I did try to make a picture of the flower, it is not my best macro ever made, but I hope it