(The Ramones)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hoya update

The good news is that all last year Hoya's are still alive and growing, some more than others,
only Hoya pauciflora and Hoya dolichospartus are very, very slow growers, almost no progress.
Hoya carnosa, Hoya carnosa tricolor, Hoya cv Joy (metallica), Hoya kentiana, Hoya loherii are flowering or have so, Hoya cummingiana is full with buds, so is Hoya crassicaulis, Hoya latifolia
& Hoya mathilde .
Hoya multiflora and Hoya imperialis made buds and failed about 3 times- that was during the

Hoya carnosa tricolor 

with the orchids I had from my parents



Hoya cummingiana



Hoya cv Joy

Hoya mathilda

The " bad " news is: the house is too small for more Hoya's at the moment, and so is my wallet,
the money I have left is spend on outside plants for the garden.
I want to end with pictures of the windows downstairs.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


You're the most beautiful thing

That I ever saw in my  life.....

(Francis Dunnery lyrics)




It's months ago since I last wrote here, we had an awful long winter with more snow than I ever
wanted, besides that I wasn't well at all, but now the summer really started and I am most of the
time outside, confiscated a part of the area  that was a former parking lot and turn it in what has to
be one day one more flower border.
Last winter I had my own personal color therapy, I knitted a big sweater -that fits us all -and I rediscovered crotching, after about 25 years. I fabricate little curtains with lots of colors and the
house is a bit of a Pippi Longstocking one now, esp. because I gave my partner a couple of iron cats for his birthday ( because I liked them a lot myself:-) )

I also crotched 2 chair backs and seats with rope, for 2 old gardenchairs.

One of them is a couple of months outside now, holding well, except the color orange, that is
getting pale ( the other one is still inside- cats took it).