(The Ramones)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Update about the Hoya cuttings I got from Gerrit van der Zee



It's about 4 weeks ago that the postman( always rings twice:-))* delivered the cuttings all the way
from Friesland(a province in the North of Holland).
It's really exciting for me to try to root these Hoya's, I made a lot of cuttings of other plants in my
life,with more or less succes,and I also rooted a Hoya carnosa on water a year ago,but I learned (thanks Gerrit!!) that most Hoya cuttings do much better when you put them in soil and cover
 them up in a plastic bag or- just like me now- in a greenhouse or an aquarium.
This is how the greenhouse looked after a week( I made the picture through the glass)

There are already air roots growing.

Now,after 4 weeks,the Hoya australis ssp australis still looks the same, he seems to be happy,but
the H.polyneura is growing!!

I am blessed with a lot of fantasy, and that is probably the reason why I see a Cormorant in
the new growth, drying his wings in the sun:-)

Inside the greenhouse there is also growing to be seen:

On top new leaves on Hoya wayetii.

The picture above shows growth on the H.serpens

And this is one of the 3(!!!!) umbels on H.australis.

They are all so happy in their cozy glass womb,but I decided that the time has come for them to meet the cold Dutch outside world, so today I opened the greenhouse an inch, and in the next days I am planning to open it more and more.

* - 'the Postman always rings twice' is a movie made in 1981,featuring Jack Nicholson as the
      postman- I am a big fan of Jack!:-)

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